Thursday, May 31, 2018

[World Cup Special] Best time to monetize your website traffic!

to me
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World Cup + Your Traffic + Adcash = High Revenue 💵

The World Cup brings huge opportunities for our publishers as we've a lot of campaigns with huge budgets ready for your supply!
Why Adcash?
#1 Weekly payment options and premium revshare
#2 Targeted campaigns with high budgets 
#3 High fill rate and eCPM 

Don't miss out! If your traffic is relevant to the World Cup, then share your website URL with us, and get privileged access to our exclusive demand!

Share your website before the 14th June!
Once you've have shared your site, our Publisher Team will get in touch shortly.

Please make sure that your website tags are live

If you have any questions then please don't hesitate to contact us.

Adcash Team

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