Sunday, March 16, 2014

English reading-missing plane

English reading-missing plane
English reading-Missing plane.  Comment here
What Happened to the Plane??
I’m sure you’ve heard about the airplane which took off from Malaysia and was headed for Beijing.  It “disappeared”.
This is obviously extremely horrifying and a terrible tragedy for the victims and their loved ones.  My heart goes out to everyone who has suffered from this awful event.

Like a lot of people though, I am wondering, “what the h-ll happened??????”.  It’s 2014, and a plane just “disappears”?  Really?  A very large plane with well over 200 people on board.  I don’t know what happened, but I have a hard time believing that “no one knows”.

There are many ships in the ocean with their own radar.  All governments have their own radar.  No one has any idea where this plane went or what happened?  Maybe, I’m not an expert, but it makes no sense to me.
I find it shocking that 2 people got on the plane with “stolen passports”.  WOW.  They go insane if I try to take a little mini water bottle on a plane to drink.  How could these guys get on with the wrong passport?  It must have been in the computer system when they went through security.

And even if they did get on the plane and it was a terrorist attack, why does no one know at least WHERE the plane is?  It makes almost no sense to me and I simply don’t believe it.  I think it’s important for all of us to pay close attention to whatever happens with this story and remain very sceptical.  Don’t just believe anything that comes out.  This is very serious.And if it was a terrorist attack, what will the governments do?  This is really sad, sick, and scary.  Will there be another war?  Will there be even more ridiculous security at airports?  What is going to happen??

I obviously don’t know the answer as to exactly what happened, but I do know that it doesn’t make a lot of sense already.  Was it a “conspiracy”?  I think yes, I just don’t know what the “conspiracy” was.
By the way, in case you didn’t know, a “conspiracy theory” is basically an explanation for an event which is different from the official story that a government says.  There are conspiracy theories for so many things.  A lot of them aren’t true, but many are.  I believe its important to keep an open mind to anything, and don’t just think,
“conspiracy theories are always wrong”.  That is a terrible attitude for the public to have and it makes it easy for governments to lie.  You don’t have to believe every crazy theory, but don’t be a sheep and just believe whatever it says in the newspapers.

This is a very international audience, and I’m curious what you guys think of this event.  How is your media covering it?  (What are they saying in your newspapers and on TV?  Where are you from and where are you living?)
Please write your answers below in the comments.
 Just help “spread the word” and share your ideas below.  Love to hear your thoughts.

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