English speaking international-Are you human
Ze Frank:
you human?
TED2014 · 4:34 · Filmed Mar 2014
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TED talk က ေျပာ တဲ့ conversation ေတြ
စိတ္၀င္ စားဖို့ တအားေကာင္းပါတယ္
motivated ျဖစ္တယ္
english speaking ,listening အေထာက္ အကူ
ျဖစ္မယ္ ထင္ လို့ share ေပးလိုက္တယ္
ေလ့က်င့္တဲ့ လူကေတာ့ရမွာေသခ်ာတယ္
english subtitle ပါတဲ့ video ကို ဆြဲ စာသားဆြဲ
အနည္းဆံုး ၃ၾကိမ္ မက (သို့) နားလည္းတဲ့အဆင့္ အထိ နားေထာင္ လံုး၀ လံုး၀ အက်ိဳးရွိ..............
ေအာက္က example ေပးထားတာပါ နားမလည္းတဲ့ စလံုးဆို dictionary နဲ့ က်က္မွတ္ပါ........
ကြ်န္ေတာ္ကေတာ့ သူတို့ေျပာတာနားေထာင္ျပီး
ငါ englishစာ ေတာ္ေတာ္ လို့ေသးပါလားလို့ သေဘာေပါက္သြားတယ္
ဘာသာျပန္တာမွားတာေလးေတြရွိရင္ ျပင္ေပးသြားၾကပါ ေက်းဇူးတင္ပါတယ္
0:11 (Music) This is the human test,
a test to see if you are a human. Please raise your hand if something applies
to you. Are we agreed? Yes? Then let's begin.
0:28 Have you ever eaten a booger long past your
childhood? (Laughter) It's okay, it's safe here.
ငယ္ငယ္တုန္းက နွပ္ခ်ီးစားဖူးလား
0:39 Have you ever made a small,
weird sound when you remembered something embarrassing?
တစ္ခုခုရွက္စရာရွိလာတဲ့အခါ လန့္ျပီး
0:48 Have you ever purposely
lowercased the first letter of a text in order to come across as sad or
disappointed? (Laughter) Okay.
1:01 Have you ever ended a text with
a period as a sign of aggression? Okay. Period.
စာေရးျပီး ေဒၚသထြက္တဲ့ အခ်ိန္မ်ိဳး
1:10 Have you ever laughed or smiled
when someone said something shitty to you and then spent the rest of the day
wondering why you reacted that way? Yes.
သင္ ျပံ ုုဳး ခဲ့တယ္ ေနာက္ရက္ေတြမွာ ငါ ဘာလို့ ျပံ ုဳးခဲ့ပါလိမ့္လို့
1:23 Have you ever seemed to lose
your airplane ticket a thousand times as you walked from the check-in to the
gate? Yes.
1:33 Have you ever put on a pair of pants
and then much later realized that there was a loose sock smushed up against your
thigh? (Laughter) Good.
1:44 Have you ever tried to guess
someone else's password so many times that it locked their account? Mmm.
1:53 Have you ever had a nagging feeling that one
day you will be discovered as a fraud? Yes, it's safe here.
သင္ ရဲ့လိမ္လည္မွု
တစ္ေန့ေပၚသြားတဲ့အခါ စိတ္ပ်က္စရာေကာင္းတဲ့ခံစားခ်က္မ်ိဳးျဖစ္ဖူးလား
2:04 Have you ever hoped that there
was some ability you hadn't discovered yet that you were just naturally great
at? Mmm.
ငါမွာ ေကာင္းတာေတြ ့မရွိနိုင္ေတာ့ဘူး
လို့ ေတြးဖူးလား
2:14 Have you ever broken something
in real life, and then found yourself looking for an "undo" button in
real life?
ဘ၀မွာ မေကာင္းတာလုပ္ခဲ့လို ့
ငါဒီလို့မ်ိဳးမလုပ္ခဲ့ရင္ေကာင္းမွာဘဲ ဆိုတာ မ်ိဳးေတြးဖူးလား
2:24 Have you ever misplaced your TED badge and then
immediately started imagining what a three-day Vancouver vacation might look like?
2:34 Have you ever marveled at how someone
you thought was so ordinary could suddenly become so beautiful?
လူတစ္ေယာက္ကိုသာမာန္ အေၿခအေနကေန
ရုတ္တရက္ ၾကီးပြားသြားတဲ့အခါ သင္အံ့အားသင့္ဘူးလား
2:43 Have you ever stared at your
phone smiling like an idiot while texting with someone? Have you ever
subsequently texted that person the phrase "I'm staring at the phone
smiling like an idiot"?
လူတစ္ေယာက္ကို ဖုန္းနွင့္စာပို့တဲ့အခါ
အရွုးတေယာက္လို့ဘဲ ရည္ဖူးလား
3:00 Have you ever been tempted to, and then gave
in to the temptation, of looking through someone else's phone?
3:08 Have you ever had a
conversation with yourself and then suddenly realized you're a real asshole to yourself?
တစ္ေယာက္တည္းစကားေျပာျပီး ရုတ္တရက္ၾကီးငါရွူးဘဲရွုးသြားျပီးလားလို့ ေတြးဖူးလား
3:15 (Laughter)
3:17 Has your phone ever run out of
battery in the middle of an argument, and it sort of felt like the phone was
breaking up with both of you?
battery ကုန္သြားလို့ ဒီဖုန္းက
ငါတို့နွစ္ေယာက္ကို လမ္းခြဲလိုက္တာဘဲလို့ေတြးဖူးလား
3:28 Have you ever thought that
working on an issue
between you was futile
because it should just be easier than this, or this is supposed to happen just
naturally? Have you ever realized that very little, in the long run, just
happens naturally?
3:46 Have you ever woken up
blissfully and suddenly been flooded by the awful remembrance that someone had
left you?
3:56 Have you ever lost the ability
to imagine a future without a person that no longer was in your life? Have you
ever looked back on that event with the sad smile of autumn and the realization
that futures will happen regardless?
4:15 Congratulations. You have now
completed the test. You are all human.
4:23 (Applause)
--[ C ] UK
( US booger ) a piece of dried mucus
from inside the nose
--smash sth up phrasal verb [ M ]
-to damage something in
a violent and destructive
In the sixties he was
famous for taking drugs and smashing up hotel rooms.
næg ■ n (infml often derog) ●
adj. bothersome, annoying, incessant; criticizing relentlessly; reminding
incessantly; of one who nags
n. act of reminding incessantly; act of criticizing relentlessly; act of pestering or bothering
■ v (-gg-)
● ၁။ ~ (at sb) နားပူနားဆာလုပ္သည္။ တက်ည္က်ည္လုပ္သည္။ He nagged (at) her all day long. m Stop nagging, I' ll do it as soon as I can.She's been nagging me to mend that lamp for weeks. 2" dukƒep;qv\" a nagging pain/ doubt/ suspicion/ worry m The problem had been nagging (at) me for weeks. a nagging pain/ doubt/ suspicion/ worry m The problem had been nagging (at) me for weeks. |

--fraud▶ frç:d ■ n ● ၁။ [U, C] လိမ္လည္မႈ။ be found
guilty of fraud m a dramatic rise in computer / credit card / cheque card fraud
m a £ 2.5 m fraud. ၂။ [C] (က) အတု။ အေယာင္ေဆာင္။ She was a fraud - she had no
medical qualifications at all. (ခ) အလိမ္။ This language study method is a
complete fraud. o fraudster n လိမ္လည္မႈ က်ဴးလြန္သူ။ လူလိမ္။ o fraudulence /
'frç:djålåns; US -d£å- / n [U] လိမ္လည္ မႈ။ မ႐ိုးသားမႈ။ o fraudulent /
'frç:djålånt;;US -d£å- / adj ၁။ မမွန္ မကန္Ú[ေသာ]။ make fraudulent insurance
claims. ၂။ အေယာင္ေဆာင္။ a fraudulent display of emotion. o fraudulently /
'frç:djålåntli; US -d£å- / adv လိမ္လည္ လွည့္ျဖားလ်က္။ ကလိမ္ကက်စ္။ act
-- misplace▶
¿mÇs'pleÇs ■ v (fml) (esp passive)
● ေနရာ မွားထားသည္။ The book had been misplaced on the shelf. o misplaced adj ၁။ ယံုမွားမိေသာ။ ယံုစားမိေသာ။ ပံုအပ္မိ ေ ၂။ အံမကိုက္ေသာ။ misplaced optimism m If you think deafness is funny, you have a very misplaced sense of humour.
● ေနရာ မွားထားသည္။ The book had been misplaced on the shelf. o misplaced adj ၁။ ယံုမွားမိေသာ။ ယံုစားမိေသာ။ ပံုအပ္မိ ေ ၂။ အံမကိုက္ေသာ။ misplaced optimism m If you think deafness is funny, you have a very misplaced sense of humour.
-- badge▶
bæd£ ■ n ● (က) တံဆိပ္။ a uniform with a badge
on it m He wore a badge saying ‘Save the Environment.’ Ó HAT (ခ) အမွတ္သေကၤတ။ He
regards his beard as a badge of masculinity.
-- Vancouver

n. port city in British Columbia located across Vancouver
Island (Canada); Vancouver Island, island off the southwestern coast of British
Columbia which does not contain the city of Vancouver; city in Washington
(USA); Mount Vancouver, mountain peak on the border of Alaska and Canada;
George Vancouver (1757-1798), English explorer who rounded the Cape of Good
Hope in 1791
-- marvel▶ 'm1:vl ■ n
● ၁။ အံ့ဖြယ္တစ္ပါး။ the marvels of modern science m It's a marvel that he escaped unhurt. m She works terribly hard in spite of her illness-she's a marvel! ၂။ marvels [pl] အံ့ခ်ီးဖြယ္Úရာ။ They've performed/done marvels restoring that old cottage. v (-ll-; US -l-) ~ (at sth) အလြန္အံ့ၾသ ခ်ီးမြမ္းသည္။ လက္ဖ်ားခါသည္။ I can only marvel at such courage. m I never cease to marvel that she married someone like me. o marvellous (US marvelous) /'m1:vålås/ adj (infml) အံ့ၾသဖြယ္ေကာင္းေသာ။ ထူးကဲေသာ။ အလြန္ေကာင္းေသာ။ a marvellous idea/writer/opportunity m marvellous weather/news m It's marvellous that we can at last buy our own house. marvellously (US marvelously) adv
-- tempt▶ tempt ■
v ~ sb (into sth/doing sth) ● ၁။ ဆြယ္သည္။ ေသြးေဆာင္သည္။ ျဖားေယာင္း သည္။ They tried to
tempt her (into staying) with offers of promotion. m Nothing would tempt me to
join the army. ၂။ ဆြဲေဆာင္သည္။ စိတ္ေပါက္သည္။ The warm weather tempted us into
going for a swim. m I am tempted to take the day off. o tempter n
ျဖားေယာင္းေသြးေဆာင္သူ။ o tempt fate/providence [IDM] အရဲကိုးသည္။ ကံယံုဆူးခ်ဳံ
နင္းသည္။ Having escaped injury in the car crash she felt it would be tempting
fate to start driving again. o tempting adj မက္စရာေကာင္းေသာ။ ဆြဲေဆာင္ေသာ။ a
tempting offer m That cake looks very tempting. m It's tempting to speculate
about what might have happened. temptingly adv o temptress /'temptrås/ n (usu
joc) ေသြးေဆာင္သူ အမ်ဳိးသမီး။
-- asshole n. idiot, stupid person, ass (Slang)
-- issue▶ 'ǃu: ;Brit also 'Çsju:,'ǃju: ■ n ● ၁။ [C] (ေဆြးေႏြးရန္၊ စီစဥ္ရန္ အေရးႀကီး) အေၾကာင္း၊ အခ်က္၊ ကိစၥ။ a vital/ political/ controversial issue m debate an issue m evade/avoid the issue m resolve/confuse the issue m What's at issue (ie The point being discussed) here is the whole future of the industry. ၂။ [C] …ထုတ္ (စာေစာင္၊ မဂၢဇင္း၊ စာစဥ္ စသည္)။ the July issue of ‘Yachting Monthly’. ၃။ (က) [U] ထုတ္ေရာင္းျခင္း (သို႔) ထုတ္ေပးျခင္း (သို႔) ထုတ္ျပန္ ျခင္း။ buy a set of new stamps on the day of issue m the issue of blankets to refugees m the issue of a joint statement by the French and German foreign ministers. (ခ) [C] ထုတ္ေဝျခင္း။ ထုတ္ေဝမႈ။ a share/rights issue m a special issue of stamps/banknotes. ၄။ [sing] (fml) တစ္စံုတစ္ခု၏ ရလဒ္။ ၿပီးဆံုးျခင္း။ နိဂံုး။ bring a campaign to a successful issue. ၅။ (က) [U] လာရာ။ သြားရာ။ စီးထြက္ရာ။ the place/point of issue of a stream. (ခ) [sing] ယိုစီးျခင္း။ an issue of blood from a wound. ၆။ [U] (law) သားသမီး (အရင္း)။ die without issue (ie without having had children). v ၁။ ~ sth (to sb) ထုတ္ျပန္သည္။ issue orders/instructions m issue a challenge စိန္ေခၚသည္။ m The police have issued an appeal for witnesses to the accident. ၂။ ~ sth (to sb) /sb with sth ျဖန္႔ခ်ိသည္။ ေဝငွသည္။ ထုတ္ေပး သည္။ issue visas to foreign visitors m issue the survivors with warm clothing. ၃။ ပံုႏွိပ္ထုတ္ေဝသည္။ ထုတ္ေဝသည္။ issue a revised edition of a textbook. o issue from sth [PHRV] (fml) ယိုစီးသည္။ ထြက္သည္။ ေပၚလာသည္။ blood issuing from a wound m smoke issuing from a chimney m A strange noise issued from the darkness. o make an issue (out) of sth [IDM] ေလွ်ာေမြးႏွင့္ ဗာရာဏသီခ်ဲ႕သည္။ တစ္ဆိတ္ တစ္အိတ္လုပ္သည္။ ပံုႀကီး ခ်ဲ႕သည္။ It's only a small disagreement-let's not make an issue of it. o take issue with sb (about/on/over sth) [IDM] ရန္ ေတြ႕သည္။
-- futile▶ 'fju:taÇl; US -tl ■
adj ●
အခ်ည္းႏွီးျဖစ္ေသာ။အလဟႆ ျဖစ္ေသာ။ အဓိပၸာယ္ မရိွ။ a futile attempt/ exercise m
Their efforts to revive him were futile. m He kept making futile (ie
unnecessary and silly) remarks. o futility /fju:'tÇlåti/ n [U]: the futility of
-- blissfullyadv. happily, joyfully, rapturously